February 21, 2004


Category: Personal — Biella @ 2:48 pm

It is so ugli, I mean ugli that I have yet to catch up wtih my bog. I have about 10 subjects I want to write about from Cheney, to Bakhtin, to my grandfather, to the boat I used to live on, to many other delights. But this has been the month of the endless series of deadlines, I think around 7 or 8 and more keep coming. It is like I am on the high seas of grants and applications and avast! more stormy deadlines rock my ship.

In the meantime, to cool myself down I purchased a piece of Ugli Fruit to eat, a seemingly genetically engineered mutation grown only in Jamiaca that is a mix of tangerine, grapefruit, and seville orange. Ahh the wonders of bio-technolgy and global food market, combined to bring me the ugli and I am *sure* bringing economic equity to the Jamaican people…..

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