My silence, my silence, the sound of silence. Sigh. I am silent on the blog because I am so frantic and frenetic, and hectic and ballistic in the real world. I have had a total of 8 deadlines this month, deadlines which are my “lifelines” for next year or my career so they are stressful in this like visceral way that gets me working all day long in a way that is just simply Ludicrous.
Today I walked into a coffee shop and there was some folk music playing and for a moment, I simply froze into a state of self-realization: the pace, the melody of the music, making me so realize how utterly frantic my life has been. I got bummed right then knowing that I have been going at a pace too fast for truly enjoying a song and friends, basically living in a way that is not sustainable.
SOSHI has taken a lot of my time, but it has been well worth it. Many folks are working at this and we are building a good base of support and we have nearly 1000 Signatures on our petition, which is really great.
Apparently, though the adminstration thinks that only a handful of students, like me, are concerned. Whatever. Well it is more complicated than that but I am too tired to write about it. After March 1st I hope the pace calms down, so that the biella, who is like a chicken with her head cut off, running wildly, (though mostly at her computer), will become a chicken with her head in place so that I can write something more sensible, more interesting….