The really tiny pleasures of life.
1. I love salsa music. What I love more is that many salsa songs start with an ultra-cheesy somewhat dramatic yet subdued opening and then within 20 seconds, BAM, they switch over to soul-shaking lyrics, cheese left behind. (Marc Anthony is a perfect example of this).
2. I love taking the lint out from the dryer filter. For some odd reason it gives me enormous satisfaction to do so, so much so I love it when the dryer user before me leaves he/r lint for me to take out. There is something about the uniformity and softness of laundry detritus that I find aesthetically pleasing, especially to touch.
3. I love these weird haircutting sudo-scissors that don’t really cut hair but thin hair. I don’t understand how they work, but I am thankful they do, otherwise I would be donning a poofball on my head.
4. I love hopping and bouncing in the ocean water. Boing.. boing, duck wave, boing, boing. I would love to see a bunny rabbit swim and boinnnng in the ocean but I think it would drown. I would love to know if bunny rabbits can swim.
5. I love ducks. I want a pet duck. The problem is I like to eat them too and I hear they poop all over the place. Can a duck be potty trained? And could I really refrain from getting hungry and roasting it after I get mad that it pooped all over the bathroom floor? Best not to get a pet duck even if I love them.
7. I love ocean bioluminescent animals. The color is nothing short of stunning. Ocean water and stars in sky, miles apart, also seem connected by resonating light.
8. I love the smell of basements, and plado.
9. I love waking up really early like at 5 am after a good night’s sleep. It rarely happens but when it does, damn, you know that there is just something *right* about arising early.
10. I love that my mom’s neighbor in PR has wireless and I can “surf” in the garden. I hope he keeps the access open.