February 3, 2009

Viral Power

Category: Uncategorized — Biella @ 6:49 pm

So I know, I know. There are a lot of annoying memes circulating on the net/facebook/[pick your spot] and well, sometimes the best thing to do is stop the damn thing by ignoring its existence. But I have to say, I have completely, totally and absolutely have loved reading the 25 things… notes on facebook. It just provides a window into the extraordinary character that emerges from the collection of mundane events/likes/pleasures that make up people’s lives.

Reading them took me back to elementary school when and where I was an avid slam-booker. I have very fond of collecting and reading the tidbits of thoughts and information people left behind in my notebook. What also struck me about these recent 25 thingie notes is how odd or not as interesting, I think, it would be to have them recited to you over coffee or at dinner.

Now I could be wrong here but I think the list-like quality would just not fly in a conversational context. A few facts with more embellishment would work but a whole string of thoughts would just sound flat and out of place. A reminder that format does matter for engendering certain types of knowledge.

So here is my list..

1. I looked like a boy for the first three years of my life (but a cute one, I think).
2. I love dogs so much that I often think that if I had a criminal streak, I would be a dog nabber.
3. I would routinely bring home dogs from the street when I was a kid. Many of them ended up dead after being hit by cars (they liked to return to the street and this only happened to 2 of them).
4. My favorite concert was Jimmy Cliff in a parking lot. There was lots of rain and lots of weed.
5. I like have a penchant for tall men. My mom claims it was because I lacked a strong father figure in my early childhood years. Who knows if that is the case.
6. I knew the instant that I took an anthropology class I wanted to be an anthropologist. I guess I made it happen (and it was one of the few moments of clarity in life).
7. I started the first environmental club in my high school and my car was called the recycle-mobile because there were always cans in the back seat.
8. I love the ocean; swimming, snorkeling, diving, sailing, and just watching it, though the cold ocean is not always by cup of tea.
9. I had terrible insomnia for a year and slept for a good chunk of it on a couch. I like the snuggle feeling I got from sleeping against a back.
10. I am very indecisive person. It is annoying as i tend to worry a lot about whether I made the right decision.
11. I was a shy kid and barely talked until meeting my best friend in kindergarten, Yael
12. I also failed the psychological test to get into school but my mom managed to get me in anyway.
13. I often wonder if I would have been a nun if I had lived prior to 1900s to escape various domestic obligations. I think it might have been fun to be a nun.. Fun to be a nun also has a nice ring to it.

14. I am currently struggling with an Etsy addiction and the UPS delivery guy asked if delivering packages would be a daily occurrence.. I just find all the stuff amazing and it brings me back to my artist days when I used to paint and spend a heck of a lot of time in the darkroom.
15. I have recurrent issues with nausea and have been hospitalized for it a few times. It is gut wrenching and really uncomfortable when it happens.
16. When I left NYC in 1997 I thought i would never come back. I am here now and quite happy.
17. I was obsessed with Ultimate Frisbee for many man years. I played more than I studied and finally gave up as it was ruining (or perhaps ruined?) my neck. I still miss it.
18. I LOVE tostones and would eat them everyday if they were not, you know, so bad for you.
19. I have been using IRC for 7 years and consider some of my best friends to come from there.
20. Some folks have asked how I became interested in politics and I am pretty sure it was Doonesbury.
21. When I was like 4 we went to some fair and I swore that I almost got flung off some rickety ride but this could be totally wrong. It was really frightening.
22. The coldest night of my life was spent in Los Nevados, Venezuela and the scariest car ride I ever took was leaving Los Nevados in a jeep and something that resembled a road.
23. A few sucker fish once tried to stick on me while I was doing a decompression stop after a dive. My dive buddy smacked the fish, which had devil faces, with the regulator, saving me from what would have been a really sort of sucky situation.
24. I am trying to learn how to surf and am really sorry that I did not do so when a teenager since I don’t exactly have the time to really learn.
25. Since I am not sure how to end, I will do so with a :-)


  1. I’m amazed that school entrance requires any kind of psychological test. Maybe this is an American thing.

    But thanks for sharing, it was an interesting post, especially with the sucky-situation pun!

    Comment by Steve — February 4, 2009 @ 5:26 am

  2. That sucker fish moment was really one of the most memorable!

    And I can’t believe I had to be tested either. Apparently I would not say a word not draw the house as I was supposed to. I was quite freaked out by the whole thing…

    Comment by Biella — February 4, 2009 @ 7:25 am

  3. interestingly …
    I’ve been noticing these 25 things thing and I’ve been too scared to even try. I’m afraid I won’t even be able to think of 25 things. My niece wrote up hers and posted it to facebook. I could not believe that this was the same person I knew. There were so many items of kindness and humility and wildness that I didn’t know about. It blew me away.
    I gotta give her credit for being so open and/or honest. I didn’t know she had it in her.

    Biella, thanks for sharing your 25!

    Comment by Jeff — February 5, 2009 @ 3:09 pm

  4. Jeff,

    I think you should jot them down! It will bring a smile to those who know you, especially your family (as your great story about your niece illustrates)….

    So I will be waiting to see them on facebook :-)


    Comment by Biella — February 5, 2009 @ 7:39 pm

  5. #13: I think I would have too, even though I’m not at all religious. I miss the trappings of the Catholic church — the music, the candles, the art, the ritual, the cathedrals — even though I no longer feel comfortable inside.

    #12: I failed a psychological test to go to college early. They interviewed me to see if I was psychologically ready and gave me a hard time; I ended up crying by the end, and that was the end of that. (But my parents didn’t push, because they didn’t really want me to do it anyway.)

    I love these 25 things lists too. (I wish I knew these sorts of things about everyone I meet: the things they’re proud of, the things they think no one else does, the things they wish for, the things they have the strongest memories of.) Thanks for sharing yours!

    Comment by Kat — February 7, 2009 @ 8:46 am

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