July 9, 2008

WP issues: A question

Category: Tech — Biella @ 1:33 am

So, I have noticed and it has been brought to my attention that my entries are only partially displayed. I have checked my settings in Word Press, they are set to display my entire entries. Is there some other aspect of WP, feed burner or my RSS address that could be behind the partial displays? I can’t seem to find an answer so I thought I would try here!


  1. Do you mean your entry as displayed on the site itself, or just your entries when read via an RSS reader?

    I’m seeing partial entries via RSS. For example, this post got a partial entry: in Google Reader, it trails off with an ellipsis at “that could…”. Oh, and I’m also seeing blog entries cut off on the site itself. On the home page (gabriellacoleman.org/blog/), the “To be a nerd is to be…” article is elided after “…imaginary here)”. Following that is a link to “(more…)”, which goes to the full article.

    So both appear to be problems.

    Comment by Karl Fogel — July 9, 2008 @ 6:30 am

  2. Assuming WP 2.5 you want to go to Settings->Readings then set “For each article in a feed, show” to “Full text” for the RSS feeds.

    Comment by Mark Brown — July 9, 2008 @ 7:29 am

  3. I’ve seen it happen before. Consider using a plugin to force the full text feed.

    Google: full text feed wordpress

    You should have at least two worth looking at.

    Comment by Tiago — July 9, 2008 @ 8:17 am

  4. I simply go to the “Settings / Reading” page, where there is an option like “For each article in a feed, show…”.
    Just check “Full text” and that should be done…

    Comment by Phocean — July 9, 2008 @ 8:41 am

  5. I found that since WordPress 2.1, you will get truncated RSS feeds if you use the tag syntax to have excerpts on your home page.

    Unless you install a plugin, as Tiago notes above – the one I use is Full Feed

    Comment by John Eckman — July 9, 2008 @ 12:01 pm

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