December 29, 2002

The Myth of the Coqui

Category: Personal — Biella @ 1:55 am

I am about to head home to Puerto Rico for a couple of weeks of indulgent days on the beach. I love to go home for many reasons, one of which is to hear the endless chirps of the coqui a frog-like critter the size of my thumb. We were indoctrinated to believe that the coqui could live no where but Puerto Rico (or at least that he, and only he’s sing to pick up the ladies, of course) because the coquis are you know, nationalistic frogs through and through.

But, we can no longer really believe this myth has he has indeed overrun the island of Hawaii, striking up a largish environmental controversy. It makes me a little sad knowing my little beloved frog-like creature is causing such problems as his rhythmic singing puts me at ease. Or at least will soon put me to ease…

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