July 8, 2007

Impacts of Technology

Category: Academic,Teaching,Tech — Biella @ 5:29 am

Most of my recurring anxiety nightmares emerge straight out of work experiences. A common dream I had, for years, was basically being slammed with a deluge of like 25 customers/tables while waitressing. Yes, I have waited tables for many years.

Now, I have a new dream which reflects new working conditions. Basically I show up on the first day of class with NO syllabus and it is horribly embarrassing. Thankfully that scenario is easily avoided.

I am teaching two classes this fall, one called Impacts of Technology, the other Human Culture and Communication. I had to come up with the Impacts of Technology syllabus from scratch (Culture and Comm is somewhat standard for the Department I am teaching in) and here is a first version of my syllabus.

I am sure it will change but it is nice to have most of it done as I hope to avoid any work-related nightmares this summer.


  1. Ohh. “Live geek served under glass”! It’s on the menu! There are so many FLOSS groups in NYC as well as other folks in Free Culture (Fred B.), legal (SFLC) and the local wiki groups. What a choice to make?!

    Comment by Kevin Mark — July 9, 2007 @ 4:19 am

  2. looks like a great class, it seems a bit diverse to my eyes, but it will depend on your students. it should be great fun to teach.

    Comment by jeremyj — July 15, 2007 @ 11:43 am

  3. thanks j,

    i am doing a small experiment indeed by doing a slew of comm technologies (and a few non-comm ones). i am going to redo the class in the spring with a sole focus on computers but i sort of wanted to try out with a broader scope, in part to get students thinking a little outside the box when we do hit the internet/computers….

    all settled in?? the movers are here as i write!

    Comment by Biella — July 15, 2007 @ 1:18 pm

  4. Interesting course, it made me think of a couple of suggestions for reading on the course…

    “Technics and Civilisation” by Lewis Mumford (on technology and history) – first three chapters are really excellent.

    “Digital Play” by Nick Dyer-Witherford et al (Games etc) – first chapter particularly

    “Empire” by Hardt and Negri (technology and politics) (Particularly the chapter titled ‘Postmodernisms 3.16 I think)..



    Comment by David Berry — July 18, 2007 @ 3:12 am

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