November 15, 2006

Stuck on the technology of yesterday

Category: Academic,Politics,Tech — Biella @ 12:00 pm

So I am in Alberta, Canada but I decided not to get a local phone number mostly because I have a VOIP phone that works fine and it lets me call Puerto Rico for free, and allows my sister call me for free too.

But not having an Alberta 780 area code can be quite problematic at times and the latest chapter in the confusion has come from trying to get the IBM warranty folks to accept that you can call from Alberta with a non Alberta area code and realze that even if they accept that, the computer is the one wearing the pants and thus making the decision…So even if you convince them that new technologies make this possible, the transaction is still sabotaged because in the end, they rely on computer to get the actual service repair person to call you and the computer relies, and can only rely on the area code., who can only see that an area code 773= USA, so then it gets a US rep to contact you back after the initial phone call.

Here is an IRC transcript discussing the confusion, which I think is pretty amusing:

m: they are so confused
m: the guys says “what province are you in?” I say “Alberta”
m: and then he gets my number and he says “You aren’t in Alberta, sir”
m: and I say “Yes I am, my phone number is a US phone number, but I assure you, I am in Edmonton, Alberta right now”
m: and he says “Are you a canadian citizen?”
m: and I say ‘no, do I need to be, in order to be in Alberta?” and he says “The problem is, you are actually in the US right now”
biella: heh
m: so I had to say “You realize that cell phones and voip technology allow you to roam outside of the USA and still use the same phone number?!”
b: and then what?
m: well he said I needed a canada number or their system would send it to the states
m: regardless if thats where my address is
m: their computer is too smart
micah anyways
biella: or not smart enough

Well, we are now using my office number so hopefully all will be OK.

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