May 31, 2005

My Mom’s political song

Category: Politics — Biella @ 12:38 pm

So my mom composed this song about a year ago and unfortunately I don’t have a digital recorder to record it but she is demanding that I publish it before someone else claims that they authored it. She is *very excited* that this song will exist, out there on that nebulous Internet which she has never really had the chance to see.

She sings this song to about every person she meets so perhaps it will become a popular folk song. If you know anything about Puerto Rican politics, this song is pretty funny, although somewhat inflammatory (which makes it all that much better), because she is dising, hard, the current political status quo, which is commenwealth, a sort of semi-colonial state.

Puertorriquenos toma conciencia
en estas eleciones, usa tu inteligencia

Puertorriquenos tu dignidad esta en la independencia
o en la Estadidad
Y NADA MAS, nada mas ….

Puertorriquenos toma conciencia

(sound maracas, move to dancing)

by Vera Coleman

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