If you are an academic blogger, there is a survey worth filling out. Below is some information from the student, studying at the University of Chicago who is writing her masters (long paper?) on the topic of academic blogging. I am not sure if I should even fill it out because I tend to use my blog as my escape from academics though from time to time I can’t hold back and write something quasi academic.
Hi. My name is Tina Huang, and I’m a Masters student at the University of Chicago. I am currently conducting a study on academics and their opinions on blogging. I am examining how people perceive this new Internet medium and how beneficial this new technology is to the academic community. If you are an academic and you either read blogs or write a blog pertaining at all to your field of study, please take some time to complete this survey. All information collected in this survey will remain confidential. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me. Thanks!