September 6, 2004

Anarchism, an Apologia from a Liberal

Category: Politics — Biella @ 10:37 am

Siva Vaidhyanathan has written a short but interesting piece, an “apologia” of anarchism, titled We are all anarchist now. A professed liberal, he studies anarchism and says we should take them seriously. As he concluded:

So anarchists are not as dangerous as the police and newspapers would have you believe. And they are not as effective as they dream they are or hope to be. But they do matter.

Now, I have to say my interest has been piqued. He seems sympathetic to anarchists but he is makes sure to designate himself a liberal (just in case we would confuse him as an anarchist). I would like to know more about what he sees as the compelling aspects of anarchism and what he sees as the unrealistic and problematic parts. Maybe this is covered in Anarchist in the Library, which is why I just recalled it from the library…

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