June 28, 2004

Rodent and Bug Infestation

Category: Not Wholesome — Biella @ 8:52 pm


So as if it were not bad enough that the cute little rodents in my kitchen (a pair of adorable mice, yet to be named ..) have started to crap all over my drying dishes as revenge (yes, revenge, ever since I started being ultra clean they engaged in guerilla warfare: crapping all over the place), now they are flesh eating ants in our house. I got bit by one today and my wrist doubled in size. Ok not that much, but it still swelled….

Chicago urban mega-opolis of the midwest, with towering buildings, incessant traffic, grime and grit, more trucks than should be allowed on planet earth, pavement in nearly every corner and crevice, is also infested with so many bugs, that I am surprised there are not more entomologists stationed here. There are these asian lady bugs that sting the hell out of you when you least expect it and then there are the creepiest centipedes ever. They are so creepy that every time I see one, my heart stops a few beats and I think that I must “escape Chicago.”

Occasionally you see the ultra cool fire fly but otherwise, Chicago is home to the “creepy bug” (and look, I lived in the tropics, and I still find Chicago to have more creepy bugs)..

Anyway, before my apt becomes home to all sorts of questionable non-human species, anyone have advice on how to trap my cute mousey friends without killing them? The humane traps are indeed fully humane, in otherwords totally ineffective…

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