June 10, 2004


Category: Personal — Biella @ 1:41 am

A storm has blown threw Chicago. Stifling heat has been converted to cool air while thick drops of water hit with a satisfying thump against the lifeless pavement of urban city streets. The rain brings a collective relief to the streets and her inhabitant though everyone knows this treat is short lived. The heat so characteristic of Chicago summers is only bound to visit us soon again.

I have been back for over just two days and I am only now clearing the thick piles of everything (clothes, books, bills, receits, emails. odds and ends, to-do items) that were waiting for me upon my return. Since I was so busy right up till the moment I left, I have not really taken care much of anything outside of pure necessity for weeks and thus moving and flattening the pile has not been easy nor all that entertaining.

In another day or two I hope the can finish with this process of purging and maybe then these enteries might pick up pace into something more interesting than this! :-)

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