May 19, 2004


Category: Not Wholesome — Biella @ 11:28 pm


So I have not been much of a diligent and faithfull writer these days in much any capacity.

My only excuse is that my age old friend, “Insomnia” has decided to pay me an extended visit. It is not so bad during the first week as you think, “well Insomnia will surely leave my life soon.” I just need to get done with this and then that will fall into place.

Next thing you know it is week 4 and 4 am, again, and you are not sure how you will handle yet another day of zombie-like existence. Every 4-5 days you crash into a heavenly state of deep sleep, but then you sleep so hard and so long that the cycle restarts yet again.

Under the guise of Insomnia what is a simple task is a chore; instead of connecting with those you love, you misconnect feeling the pangs of lonliness, and the world strikes you are a darker more dangerous place that it already is (and it also makes your blog writing more dramatic and petty than it already is..:-))

But anyways, I shed this story of long nights, early mornings, and torturous days onto my blog in the hopes that insomnia will pay me its respects and then get the hell out of town…….

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