December 12, 2003

the coast

Category: Personal — Biella @ 5:12 am

I am nearly over the flu so I don’t quite look like Mr monk fish below but I am still needing a lot of sleep. Being back in Puerto Rico I understand why 90% of the world’s population leaves by the coast. Being the by the beach is… good.

Otherwise life is life with a mom who has problems with sight and memory. I try not to get too bummed about it and honor what life has presented although when you are face to face with such things, it is hard not to. Life is pretty frustrating for her so it just seeps into the general atmosphere especially when little other little frustrating barriers that is life in PR pop up like massive traffic because every other road is being reconstructed or the lovely fact that you have to wait at least 2 hrs at every doctoro’s office. Anyway, I am just bitching now and I shouldn’t. It is good that I can take the time off and be with her and help her out now. I guess it just does make me in the most bloggish mood though so until the mood arises….

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