November 29, 2003

The first one!

Category: Personal — Biella @ 7:04 am

I can’t believe it. I wrote a dissertation chapter. I went from none to one. And though there is a lot of suckage in there (I mean how good can 60 pages written over the course of three weeks when the AAAs were going on), I feel like what I want to sayis there and there are some parts that are decent.

Most Thanksgivings of recent memory have been spent writing. As an undergraduate I usually had some paper due, which was the same for graduate school and then when I stopped doing the whole class thing, there were grants to apply for. This year, I thought there would be no reason to be working during Thanskgiving except for my own maniacal drive which after a long hiatus has kicked into high gear. I remember why I applied to graduate school. Though I really think I have problems with the English language because of my Spanish upbringing (so now I don’t have a great command of either English or Spanish language but I get by), I do like writing. And one of my favorite parts is starting with so idea and then traveling with it with your words and then all of a sudden, there is new stuff to see and new things to write…

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