November 28, 2009

Professor Alvarado!

Category: Academic,New York City,Research,Wholesome — Biella @ 7:06 am

professor-alvaro2, originally uploaded by the biella.

I love this guy. He plays in Times Square and is totally into his synthesizer. I can watch him for hours. One day I will ask whether he was a professor and if yes, of what (music? philosophy? both?). If only I could retire by performing in a subway station with a keyboard and dancing dolls. . .

Thanks to the update left in the comments, you can watch him in action and find out what type of professor he was/is.


  1. According to

    Prof . Edward Alvarado. Graduated in the Music Conservatory of Viena-Austria .Ex-Director of the Symphony Orchestra in Guayaquil-Ecuador.

    Comment by suscal — November 28, 2009 @ 7:43 am

  2. [...] First Tweet: 31 minutes ago biellacoleman Influential Gabriella Coleman Professor Alvarado in Times Square, synthesizing life retweet [...]

    Pingback by Twitter Trackbacks for Interprete » Professor Alvarado! [] on — November 28, 2009 @ 7:44 am

  3. I often see him in Penn Station in the morning. He also uses a Vox amp which is cool.

    Comment by David Solomonoff — November 28, 2009 @ 3:11 pm

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