July 16, 2009

Kinda sick(o)

Category: Insurance,Not Wholesome,Politics — Biella @ 7:58 am

Bill Moyers has obtained this health insurance document outlining how to react to the movie Sicko. Pretty fascinating read.


  1. It’s interesting how they try to position Michael Moore as a polarising extreme left-wing figure who should be avoided by the Democrats. But given that some Democratic politicians have asked for (and received) help from him in their campaigns it’s already too late to distance the Democratic party from his position. Not that there is any apparent need to do so, it seems unlikely that anyone who hates Michael Moore would vote Democrat no matter what they might do.

    Comment by Russell Coker — July 16, 2009 @ 8:38 pm

  2. This is great Biella, thanks for the document. I am sure that certain proprietary/privative software company has simmilar documents discussing how to deal with the Free Software movement and philosophy and tries to prevent it getting traction in society by marginalizing their advocates…

    Comment by Subsonica — July 17, 2009 @ 12:09 am

  3. Thanks for your comments Russell. Indeed. I think one big problem in American society is that liberal = left. The liberals and left need to do a better job at demarcating the differences between them.

    Subsonica: I bet the BSA has also written material like this and would I just love to get my hands on it!

    Comment by Biella — July 17, 2009 @ 4:13 am

  4. http://www.politicalcompass.org/

    In regard to the liberal != left issue, the Political Compass offers a better definition. Separating the liberal vs authoritarian axis from the left vs right economic axis makes many things clearer.

    The Political Compass analysis of the candidates in the 2008 US presidential primaries suggested that all but two of the candidates were in the authoritarian-right section of the graph, and of the authoritarian-right candidates Barack Obama was the second most centrist.

    So I guess it makes sense for the more centrist of the authoritarian-right candidates to get liberal-left people like Michael Moore to help them campaign – otherwise the liberal-left voters would vote Green or stay home. Not to mention the authoritarian-left and liberal-right who also don’t seem well represented in US politics.


    Really the US needs some changes to the voting process, maybe making the presidential election a single vote across the entire country so there’s no foolishness about seats on the electoral council (the inventions of the telegraph and fast transport obsoleted that idea). Also Instant-runoff should be used in every election for a single position.

    Incidentally instant-runoff would help get the Republican and Libertarian parties in the US in the same voting block (thus restoring some competition to the elections) as well as generally giving a fairer result.


    Regarding BSA documents, we already have the Halloween documents and I don’t expect the BSA to stray far from the MS path.

    Comment by Russell Coker — July 18, 2009 @ 2:28 pm

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