Monday, May 18, 7:00pm
Courant Institute
251 Mercer Street (Warren Weaver Hall)
Room 109
TITLE: “The Struggle to Build a Digital Republic”
David Bollier will speak about the themes of his new book, Viral
Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own (New
Press). The book is the first comprehensive history of the “free
culture” movement and “sharing economy” that is empowering ordinary
people, disrupting markets and changing politics and culture. Bollier
will talk about the rise of free and open source software, Creative
Commons licenses, the new forms of non-market creativity (Wikipedia,
blogs, remix music, videos) as well as fascinating innovations in open
science, open education and “open business models.” More about the
book can be found at the website www.viralspiral.cc. More about
Bollier can be found at www.bollier.org.
David Bollier is a leading American activist, author, blogger and
proponent of “free culture” on the Internet and the commons. He is an
editor of Onthecommons.org and Senior Fellow at the USC Annenberg
School for Communication. Bollier is also co-founder of Public
Knowledge, a Washington, D.C., organization that advocates for the
public’s stake in the Internet and copyright law, and the author of
Silent Theft, Brand Name Bullies, and four other books. He lives in
Amherst, Massachusetts.
Courant Institute
251 Mercer Street (Warren Weaver Hall)
Room 109