May 14, 2003

World Bank/IMF in plain

Category: Politics — Biella @ 12:16 am

Do you sometimes feel like you sort of know about a certain subject but are foggy on some of the historical details yet don’t have the time to read a long book about the subject for basic knowledge and contexual clarification. Well, if you sort of want a “101″ on the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, their history, their role in controlling public policy and economic imperatives the world over, and their current instantiation in world politics and American Empire, check out The Economics of Empire in Harper by William Finnegan. Without frills, its clear and powerful prose gets at the heart of the problems with these institutions that yield far to much power to determine the destinies of nations that depend on thier financial support in the form of loans, loans that really amount to social forms of bondage….

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