February 11, 2009


Category: Uncategorized — Biella @ 2:25 pm

Not so long ago, I was lamenting to some Debian developer about how LONG it took for me to write stuff, of any quality at least. And aside from my own slowish pace, the academic publishing process is slow as molasses. The two together make for a deadly combo. This friend reminded me that Debian took a heck of a long time to release and at the time, this reminder actually made me feel a lot better. Well, after years of toiling, updating, bug squashing, and lots of lots of arguing, Lenny is coming out and those of us in NYC are celebrating. Though this has been circulated on the Debina-nyc list, it never hurts to circulate a little wider, especially for this event.

Attention New York City Debianistas,

The astrological confluence of 1234567890[0], the impending release of
Lenny[1], and the odd sighting of a horned mythical beast that
cryptozoologists are calling a ‘new FTP-master-assistant/slave’ being
sighted in the mist off the shores of the East River[2] will result in
all emacs users to transcend and all vim users to be transponded to
their respective motherships, which are scheduled for near-orbit on that

You will only be taken if you have a sip of beer on the 13th, before
6:31:30pm at the Pacific Standard[3].

If you come late, you may suffer nano for all eternity.


ps. All nano users will be Left Behind™ to tend to the servers that we
did not bring with us on the Rapture® rickshaw.

ps. lets keep the the post-apocalyptic space editor battle that will
erupt between the S.S. Church of Emacs, and the H.R.H VIMperator
mothership for later, and drink with revelry together now.

0. `date -d ‘@1234567890′`
1. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2009/02/msg00000.html
2. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2009/01/msg00004.html
3. http://www.pacificstandardbrooklyn.com

1 Comment »

  1. [...] Biella already posted a reminder, and I’m doing it again on my blog, [...]

    Pingback by Debian get-together in NYC this next 1234567890 at Infinite Pig Theorem — February 11, 2009 @ 4:10 pm

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