March 11, 2003

Back on Caribbean Shores, well sort of

Category: Research — Biella @ 12:55 am

Tonight, I am reading “The-Man-of-Words in the West Indies” by Roger Abrahams not as a tool of procrastination but in fact for my research on hackers. Yes, it even surprises but delights me as when I left the realm of Caribbean studies to pursue the study of technology and hackers, I thought that I really closed the door on the Caribbean. And I was bummed because the study of the Caribbean though marginalized is one heck of a lot of fun.

I certainly did not think that I would use Caribbean literature to understand my subject matter. But alas, I am. There are many parallels and contrasts to think with that actually are much better conceptual fodder than most of the cyber-material I have so far read. It either means I have yet to read the right stuff, I am totally off mark, or the cyber-material is still in tadpole stage, a little worm-like creature trying to make it out of the water so that it can strut around with some substance. I bet it is a little of each…

The book is great so far but it is approcahing one and I was informed during my Chi Gong class tonight that working, especially reading, beyond 11 totally screws with your gall bladder and liver meridians. And it all clicked: I now know why us grad students are an angry, depressed lot. We never give a chance for our GB and Liver meridians to get restored. It is not drinking at the pub that has caused so much damage but years and years of late night reading!

Oh well, for now I will have to rely on acupuncture and Chi Gong for restoration as I can’t see any way out of this late night reading. Maybe writing ng does not count as long as you don’t read while you write :-)

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