October 5, 2008

Slowly Blogging Away

Category: Academic,Books/Articles,IP Law,Politics,Teaching — Biella @ 3:25 am

The students in my Hacker Culture and Politics have now been at the question of politics and ethics in the world of hacking for over a month. I think a pretty solid foundation has been built and now we are getting into much nittier grittier issues, like intellectual property law. The latest entry is on IP and provides an excellent sense of what we talked about and what we covered in class and in the readings.

I am excited to see the class blog develop, if nothing else, because it gives a pretty good sense of the topics we cover and what conversations we have. I used to find it frustrating to have classes literally vanish away after they were done and yet so much labor and time had been put in them! This type of blogging is important as it can provide a tangible and somewhat fixed medium for capturing and preserving what happened (and then free you from having to save boxes of notes that you can collect during college).

I know there were a number of times I really really wanted to recall something from one of my undergraduate classes, but since I had finally thrown away the big old boxes of notes and readings from those days, there was no place to look. It was just not practical to lug my boxes of notes from place to place, move to move especially when I only wanted to take a look every few years for maybe one thing. With this type of blog, there is a record of what happened for everyone to share.

That said, I am faced with a problem when I teach this class again. Since we provide what I think is a pretty decent account of what we are doing, I will most probably have to put down the blog for a period of time when I am teaching it again though of course the syllabus and readings will also change to some degree.


  1. Transition the content to a wiki, perhaps, and require the next class to edit/extend the old content instead of creating new content?

    Comment by Luis — October 5, 2008 @ 4:55 am

  2. Ohhh, great great suggestion. Our dept already has an awesome wiki for Dead Media and why not have one for hackers!

    Thanks Luis,

    Comment by Biella — October 5, 2008 @ 12:56 pm

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