August 14, 2008

History of Phone Phreaking

Category: Hackers,Phreaking,Tech — Biella @ 3:27 pm

I am so happy that someone, Phil Lapsley to be exact, is writing a proper history of phone phreaking. Find out more here. Oh and here is something else you should check out: Project MF: “Project MF is a living, breathing simulation of analog SF/MF telephone signaling just as it was used in the telephone network of the 1950s through the 1980s. It lets you “blue box” telephone calls just like the phone phreaks of yesteryear … except that it’s totally legal! ” (Phil Lapsley pointed it out to me for me to use in my hacker class to begin pretty soon..)


  1. I was recalling a talk at hope about this and lo and behold, it was this Phil guy who gave the talk. The talk page[0] has links to a lo-fi[1] and hi-fi[2] audio of this talk.
    Wild times they had.

    Comment by Kevin Mark — August 25, 2008 @ 5:42 am

  2. the website is down

    Comment by Looby — August 27, 2008 @ 8:48 am

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