October 13, 2007

On Networks and Experimental Writing

Category: Academic,Teaching,Tech — Biella @ 1:42 am

One of my dissertation thesis advisors, Christopher Kelty, is teaching a superb looking course at Harvard this fall on networks. The only thing I would add to that syllabus right now is a book by a department colleague, Alexander Galloway, who just published a book with Eugene Thacker The Exploit. And while I have not read more than a chapter, what I like about it is its experimental style. They open this book with the following orientation:

It is our intention in this book to avoid the limits of academic writing in favor of a more experimental, speculative approach. To that end, we adopt a two-tier format. Throughout Part I, “Nodes,” you will find a number of condensed, italicized header that are glued together with more standard prose. For quick immersion, we suggest skikking Part I by reading the italicized sections only…. In this sense, we hope you will experience the book not as the step-by-step propositional evolution of a complete theory but as a series of marginal claims, disconnected in a living environment of many thoughts, distributed across as many pages.

The good thing is while the form is experimental, at the sentence level, things are quite clear. I have often had the experience of reading experimental work whose content was the experiment but not the form, and basically I did not understand a thing. In this case, it is the form that achieves their desire to explore and present their marginal claims.

Annemarie Mol in The Body Multiple also uses a two-tiered experimental approach that is just fantastic, especially since her writing is especially accessible.

1 Comment »

  1. Came across your blog during an “experimental writing” search. There is a great deal of innovative writing these days that focuses on process and product. The &NOW Festival of Innovative Writing & Art (http://andnowfestival.com) in April 2008 will highlight the best of these, with panels and presentations on the theory of innovative writing. Other institutions & non-creative writing departments like University of Sheffield (http://www.shef.ac.uk/english/research/langlit/alisongibbons.html) study, for example, multimodal writing like mine. Perhaps you should come to the &NOW Festival. Would be fund to talk about hacking, too!

    Debra Di Blasi

    Comment by Debra Di Blasi — October 13, 2007 @ 3:59 pm

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