December 7, 2010

Drama, Drama, Drama

Category: Drama,Wikileaks — Biella @ 10:30 am

I have penned a few thoughts about Wikileaks here.


  1. Ma’am,

    You have recently, with the, stated that there is a hierarchy within the group Anonymous.

    This is incorrect.

    The group of hackers you are referring to, Gnosis, is a separate entity, and they have stated so in an interview with The Atlantic magazine.

    I just thought this should be brought to your attention.

    Should you have any questions, I will address them. But keep in mind that I am only one of many, and I cannot speak for all.

    Have a nice day. Regards,


    Comment by Anonymous — December 16, 2010 @ 5:30 pm

  2. They misquoted me

    and I wrote them a note. I in fact have the email exchange and they mentioned nothing that was there.

    The article is really off.

    And btw, they don’t say I say there is hierarchy.

    Comment by Biella — December 16, 2010 @ 5:35 pm

  3. i really enjoyed your article about those anonymouses. i’ve studied these terrorists myself for years and would like to share with you that they have more than about 1000 in their inner circle. on very good authority, i can tell you that the number is over 9000.

    thank you for your courage in reporting about this group.

    Comment by coldblood — December 16, 2010 @ 5:56 pm

  4. I thank you for responding so quickly, as well as cleaning up this misunderstanding. We will proceed to contact and address the moronic writers of that article for clearly being unable to do proper research on the subject that they are writing on.

    My comrades are laughing their heads off and simultaneously raging at their sheer inability to understand the concept of a decentralized movement with no organizational hierarchy. The fact that such people are the ones that society relies on to properly report worldly affairs is, frankly, a scandal.

    Unfortunately, the article has brought you to light. As such, some of us Anonymous within the NYU student body, as well as other college student Anonymous will be looking into your research and background, though most of your published material seems to concern open source software and other tech-related material.

    We thank you for your time.

    Comment by Anonymous — December 16, 2010 @ 6:23 pm

  5. I am pretty *livid.* I just wrote the reporter personally and will write a blog entry here if he does not change it.

    The funny thing is that he links to the Atlantic piece that contradicts what he wrote. I was challenging the idea of a group and members and yet he used that language in my voice!

    I have done a lot of work on Anon vs the Church of Scientology but still need to publish the material. You can read more about my thoughts on Anon here too

    And there is a link to one of my talk there.

    Thanks for the quick reply back and to feel free to pass on these comments on another anon sites.

    Comment by Biella — December 16, 2010 @ 6:31 pm

  6. rebuttal here

    Comment by Biella — December 16, 2010 @ 8:23 pm

  7. [...] col computer da poter entrare in IRC. Ma non si tratta necessariamente di teenagers. Un altro punto da chiarire è la presenza di hacker all’interno di Anonymous. Certamente alcuni hackers sono coinvolti, [...]

    Pingback by Anche Anonymous nel suo piccolo s’incazza — December 17, 2010 @ 9:58 am

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