June 3, 2009

Mike Daisy on Facebook

Category: Humor — Biella @ 2:22 pm

Soon before leaving NYC for the summer, Sumana invited me to see a monologue on facebook by Mike Daisy. It was a good show and he has since provided an mp3 of it. There are some classic moments in there, especially toward the middle of the audio.

I am looking for am mp3 of his Great Men of Genius where he addresses Mr Hubbard among others (I find stuff on it
but not it). Anyone have it or pointers to where it might be?

June 2, 2009

(Pobre) Shorty va ser sinbolico

Category: Humor,unless your the dog — Biella @ 8:02 am

shorty, originally uploaded by the biella.

As part of my reading bonanza, I am currently reading and enjoying Ellen Ullman’s The Bug. She has a short section on puns and programmers which I like:

“Puns, I would say, represented a human being’s pent-up need for ambiguity. That a word could signify two things at once! And these double meanings could be simultaneously understood! What a relief from the flat-line understanding of a programmer’s conversation with the machine!” p. 59

Last night, I heard a Spanish pun that I particularly liked, having to do with my sister’s dog, Shorty who is an odd creature (being a mix of Pit Bull, which is for certain, and legend goes, Chihuahua) will be as of the end of the day —> sinbolico.

I bet the Spanish speakers know what is happening to Shorty today. Anyone want to take a guess?