February 13, 2008

Health Care Probes

Category: Insurance — Biella @ 6:06 pm

This is just one problem with a profit logic ruling our health care. It is good to see this investigation start but it feels a little like a kitten fighting a 100 pound gorilla. A little to little and too late.

1 Comment »

  1. Why does this not surprise me? I guess when this company was bought, nobody notices the 20ft high ‘conflict of interest’ neon lights? I recall something about Enron and Arthur Andersen. The payment should be set by someone with independence. It also reminds me of the CEOs who get paid according to the recommendation of a board comprised of other CEO friends who then agree to be on their boards and determine what they are paid. It also shows the difference between what make a good AG (from NY like Spitzer and Cuomo) and evil ones (Alberto the forgetful and Mucasey the uncertain torturer).
    PLEASE same the kittahz!1!

    Comment by Kevin Mark — February 13, 2008 @ 9:10 pm

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